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sabato 11 maggio 2019

The Sister Brothers

The Sisters Brothers (2018) is a dark comedy- western directed by Jacques Audiard, starring Joaquin Phoenix, John C.Reilly (who is also a producer), Jake Gyllenhaal and Riz Ahmed. The movie was presented at the 2018 Venezia Film Festival and won the Silver Lion for best direction. 
1815, somewhere in west America, in the middle of the Golden Rush fever.The Sisters Brothers, Eli (Reilly) and Charlie (Phoenix) are two hit men hired by the Commodore (high raking military commander, who exercises a great power in that geographical aerea). Because the Commodore has many interests, both in America and outside the country, and, most of all, is a very rich and influential personality, he decides to send the brothers after the chemical expert Warm. Apparently, Warm has discovered a special formula to detect gold in the rivers and guess what? He becomes one of the most "wanted" man in the Country. In order to capture the chemical, the Commodore has hired also a writer, Morris (Gyllenhaal), in order to entertain and guide directly to the Sister brothers Warm. But a great chemistry came up between the two men, who share the same ideals in life, so the writer decides to give up his mission to join Warm's search for gold. After a series of adventures in which we discover the personality and tragical family history of both Eli and Charlie, the two cowboys finally found Warm and Morries. But instead of killing them, they begun to pursue the Golden Rush themselves. The ending is quite unpredictable, with an important come-back to the Sister's lost humanity.

Why this movie is worth watching:
  • After American Hustle, the Sausage Party and, most of all, Phantom Tread, Anna Purna pictures has taken a step forward towards maturity. Next summer stay tuned for "Where'd go Bernardette" starring Cate Blanchett.
  • Joaquin Phoenix is rising his career in an incredible way. The talented actor, after Her, You Were Never Really Here, Don't Worry and Mary Magdalene (where he played Jesus!), is delivering another intense performance. Phoenix is simply the perfect drunkard, badass, disordered but irresistible character, no matter if the film is historical or set in an imaginary world. Can't wait to see him in Joker ! 

  • I loved the moments between the two brothers: even if they are both rough men, Eli has always an eye on his little brother. Interesting to watch also the transition from a cowboy era to the modern era, with the experience of both pleasures and pain. 
  • Charlie's craziness in the Golden Rush fever moment of the four men, was the symbol of how blind we are when it comes to become a rich man. Translate this into history, and we arrive straight ahead to the Indians genocide (which is not mentioned in the movie).
  • I enjoyed the fact that Eli and Charlie speak all the time about the Commodore, and project to the spectator his fearful presence. But in the final scene, this incumbent person, is just another avid old man. 

Negative aspects (of a blurred ending): 
  • The void that comes after the Commodore's death. The commander was the last stronghold of the western-world or the Gold Rush will continue, besides the barge of modernity?
  • What will the Sister Brothers do them? After returning to their childhood, another life is possible for them?

Ciak Movie Rating: 4/5. 

Micol Sartori 

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